330 research outputs found

    Computación de alto desempeño en GPU

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    Este libro es el resultado del trabajo de investigación sobre las características de la GPU y su adopción como arquitectura masivamente paralela para aplicaciones de propósito general. Su propósito es transformarse en una herramienta útil para guiar los primeros pasos de aquellos que se inician en la computación de alto desempeños en GPU. Pretende resumir el estado del arte considerando la bibliografía propuesta. El objetivo no es solamente describir la arquitectura many-core de la GPU y la herramienta de programación CUDA, sino también conducir al lector hacia el desarrollo de programas con buen desempeño. El libro se estructura de la siguiente manera: Capítulo 1: se detallan los conceptos básicos y generales de la computación de alto rendimiento, presentes en el resto del texto. Capítulo 2: describe las características de la arquitectura de la GPU y su evolución histórica. En ambos casos realizando una comparación con la CPU. Finalmente detalla la evolución de la GPU como co-procesador para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de propósito general. Capítulo 3: este capítulo contiene los lineamientos básicos del modelo de programación asociado a CUDA. CUDA provee una interfaz para la comunicación CPU-GPU y la administración de los threads. También se describe las características del modelo de ejecución SIMT asociado. Capítulo 4: analiza las propiedades generales y básicas de la jerarquía de memoria de la GPU, describiendo las propiedades de cada una, la forma de uso y sus ventajas y desventajas. Capítulo 5: comprende un análisis de los diferentes aspectos a tener en cuenta para resolver aplicaciones con buena performance. La programación de GPU con CUDA no es una mera transcripción de un código secuencial a un código paralelo, es necesario tener en cuenta diferentes aspectos para usar de manera eficiente la arquitectura y llevar a cabo una buena programación. Finalmente se incluyen tres apéndices. En el primero se describen los calificadores, tipos y funciones básicos de CUDA, el segundo detalla algunas herramientas simples de la biblioteca cutil.h para el control de la programación en CUDA. El último apéndice describe las capacidades de cómputo de CUDA para las distintas GPU existentes, listando los modelos reales que las poseen.XV Escuela Internacional de Informática, realizada durante el XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencia de la Computación (CACIC 2011).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    High Performance Computing in GPU

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    Through this textbook (written in Spanish), the author introduces the GPU as a parallel computer that is able to solve general-propose problems. The book has a didactic approach, it includes the first steps to CUDA programming, some tips to take account to develop good applications performance, many examples and exercises.Es revisión de: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/18404Facultad de Informátic

    Generic communication in parallel computation

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    The design of parallel programs requires fancy solutions that are not present in sequential programming. Thus, a designer of parallel applications is concerned with the problem of ensuring the correct behavior of all the processes that the program comprises. There are different solutions to each problem, but the question is to find one, that is general. One possibility is allowing the use of asynchronous groups of processors. We present a general methodology to derive efficient parallel divide and conquer algorithms. Algorithms belonging to this class allow the arbitrary division of the processor subsets, easing the opportunities of the underlying software to divide the network in independent sub networks, minimizing the impact of the traffic in the rest of the network in the predicted cost. This methodology is defined by OTMP model and its expressiveness is exemplified through three divide and conquer programs.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Skeletal parallel programming

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    In the last time the high-performance programming community has worked to look for new templates or skeletons for several parallel programming paradigms. This new form of programming allows to programmer to reduce the time of development, since it saves time in the phase of design, testing and codification. We are concerned in some issues of skeletons that are fundamental to the definition of any skeletal parallel programming system. This paper present commentaries about these issues in the context of three types of D&C skeletons.Eje: Procesamiento Concurrente, Paralelo y DistribuidoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards the Specification of the GPU using Performance Parameters

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    The characteristics of graphics processing units (GPUs), especially their parallel execution capabilities and fast memory access, render them attractive in many application areas. They promise more than an order of magnitude speedup over conventional processors for some non-graphics computations. The use of GPUs in general-purpose computing is becoming a very accepted alternative. In addition, the CUDA programming model gains acceptance. Each of these arguments make necessary count with tools that allow to evaluate GPUs. The performance parameters allow to model an architecture to predict the execution time of any application with any parallelism level. Furthermore, they are a useful tool to compare different architectures and determine its advantages and troubles. This work presents suitable benchmarks to evaluate different performance parameters of GPUs. The presented measurements focus on two issues of GPU performance: computing power and the global memory bandwidth. Their estimation will allow us determine technical characteristics of GPU and, in consequence, the analysis and optimization of the performance of applications that could run on actual or future GPUs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A vida do acordo sobre o aquífero Guarani : um estudo de seus efeitos na gestão dos subterrâneos transfronteiriços das águas

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    Há um mundo subterrâneo de águas, que transpassa fronteiras e limites de Estados. Sob o solo brasileiro, vive um dos maiores aquíferos transfronteiriços do mundo: o Aquífero Guarani. Dois terços desse sistema estão no Brasil, e o restante divide-se entre Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai. Diante da importância ambiental, geopolítica e econômica do Aquífero Guarani, em um contexto inédito na cooperação para a regulamentação de águas subterrâneas na América do Sul, os quatro países assinaram, em 2010, o Acordo Sobre o Sistema Aquífero Guarani. Quais os efeitos desse acordo, na gestão dos subterrâneos transfronteiriços do Aquífero Guarani no Brasil? O cenário desvendado é de um Acordo que, no seu aniversário de dez anos, ainda não entrou em vigor. Sequer foi ratificado pelo Brasil. Esta pesquisa elucida a vida do acordo, desde suas negociações em 2003, perpassando a sua assinatura em 2010, sua aprovação pelo Senado brasileiro, em 2017, até o entendimento de sua significação e expectativas de efeito, no ano de 2019. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada baseou-se, majoritariamente, na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, como forma de acessar o olhar dos agentes sociais envolvidos com o campo de análise. A hipótese de partida desta pesquisa era que o Acordo não teria trazido efeitos na gestão das águas subterrâneas do Aquífero Guarani no Brasil. Através das lentes das pessoas entrevistadas, percebeu-se que o Acordo Sobre o Aquífero Guarani é, inicialmente, resultado de uma problemática de política internacional, e não ambiental: é um instrumento para a proteção da soberania dos quatro países sobre o Aquífero Guarani, mais do que um instrumento de proteção ambiental deste recurso. O fim pretendido, portanto, foi alcançado. As entrevistas elucidaram (i) a convergência de entendimento sobre a importância do Projeto de Proteção Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, que, de 2002 a 2009, construiu conhecimento e desmistificou tecnicamente o Aquífero; (ii) a pluralidade de visões institucionais sobre as expectativas de efeitos e materialização do Acordo Sobre o Aquífero Guarani no Brasil; (iii) a potência e absoluta necessidade de continuação de construção de conhecimento técnico e jurídico, como a grande alavanca de transformação da nossa relação com a água.There is a subterranean world of water that spans borders and state boundaries. Under Brazilian soil lives one of the largest transboundary aquifers in the world, the Guarani Aquifer. Twothirds of this system is in Brazil, and the remainder is divided between Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Given the environmental, geopolitical and economic importance of the Guarani Aquifer, in an unprecedented act of cooperation for the regulation of groundwater in South America, the four countries signed, in 2010, the Guarani Aquifer System Agreement (SAG). What are the effects of this agreement on the management of the Guarani Aquifer's transboundary underground? The scenario revealed is that of an agreement which, on the 10th anniversary of its birth, has not yet entered into force. It has not even been ratified by Brazil. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the life of the agreement, from its negotiations in 2003, its signature in 2010, its approval by the Brazilian Senate in 2017 through to the understanding of its significance and expectations of its effect in 2019. To this end, the methodology used was mainly based on semi-structured interviews as a means of accessing the perspectives of the social agents involved in the field of analysis. The starting hypothesis of this research was that the Agreement would not have had effects on the groundwater management of the Guarani Aquifer in Brazil. Through the lenses of the people interviewed, it was established that the Guarani Aquifer Agreement is initially the result of international rather than environmental policy issues: it is an instrument for defending the sovereignty of the four countries over the Guarani Aquifer, more than an instrument for the environmental protection of this resource. The interviews elucidated (i) the convergence of understanding about the importance of the Guarani Aquifer System Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Project, which, from 2002 to 2009, built knowledge and technically demystified the Aquifer; (iii) the plurality of institutional views on the expected effects and materialization of the Guarani Aquifer Agreement in Brazil; (iv) the power and absolute need to continue building technical and legal knowledge, as a powerful mechanism for transforming our relationship with wate


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    O objetivo é abordar a importância da inserção da pessoa portadora de deficiência intelectual no mercado de trabalho, destacando-se as possibilidades e limitações. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, sendo que o estudo evidenciou que existem inúmeros fatores limitantes para inserção da pessoa com deficiência intelectual se inserir mercado do trabalho. As empresas apresentam resistência para participar da inserção do deficiente no mercado de trabalho, isto porque a mão de obra não é qualificada e a própria legislação determina que não se pode exigir dessas pessoas experiência anterior e até mesmo qualificação profissional. Para que o portador de deficiência intelectual obtenha melhores oportunidades no mercado de trabalho é indispensável a sua preparação ou profissionalização, uma vez que o trabalho é um dos principais meios de inclusão social, permitindo a ele demonstrar suas potencialidades e competências, além do reconhecimento como cidadãos. Não obstante haver exceções, muitas empresas, públicas e privadas, não se entusiasmam com o propósito da inclusão, tanto no que diz respeito à adaptação física dos locais de trabalho quanto nas mudanças de atitude como preconceitos.Palavras-chave:  Inclusão. Trabalho. Deficiência. Intelectual.

    Secure Computer Network: Strategies and Challengers in Big Data Era

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Facultad de Informátic

    Secure Computer Network: Strategies and Challengers in Big Data Era

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Facultad de Informátic